Thursday, November 23, 2006

A Car Warranty Makes Sense

When you buy a car, whether it is new or used, you may be offered a car warranty or extended car warranty, and you should go for it. You might not like to have to pay for a car warranty, but chances are that it will come in handy later on down the road and it will be money well spent. An extended car warranty is often offered on brand new cars that are covered under a manufacturers warranty for a limited time, and these are usually worth their weight in gold.

A car warranty makes sense because it gives you protection. While the car may seem in good working order right now, there is no telling what may happen in three months, a year, or three years. While your car looks good, lurking under the hood may be thousands of dollars worth of repairs ticking like a time bomb. A car warranty protects you from having to pay repairs out of pocket, if they are covered by the warranty.

If your new or used car purchase seems like a really good deal, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t go for the car warranty. Car warranties are like health insurance - you can never have too much coverage. If you have the opportunity to purchase a car warranty, you should purchase it, because you never know when your car may go bad. Cars are a true investment, and a car warranty is one of the best ways to protect your investment.

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